
Our members’ magazine

Ångvagnen, the association’s members’ magazine serves as a central channel for keeping in contact with our members. The magazine is more than just a source of information – it functions as a platform for describing the history and technology of the railway. It contains a mixture of news, stories and deep dives that make each issue unique and worth reading.

Each issue contains our regular segments, where you can find member information, reports from the association’s operations and engineering departments, and our latest updates from the engineering department. Ångvagnen offers insight into the daily life of the association, exciting stories and unexpected historic discoveries.

The steam train newspaper

Typical articles

  • Travel stories: Read about members’ trips to various railway museums, unique stretches of railway and international railway events.
  • The association’s work: Get a glimpse of the work that goes on behind-the-scenes, from renovations of historic locomotives to the planning of excursions.
  • Deep dives into railway history: Fascinating articles about the development of the railway, classic locomotives and unique stories from Nässjö’s railway history.
  • Photo journalism: High-quality pictures from the museum’s activities, excursions and events.

Four reasons to read

  • Keep yourself up-to-date: Never miss a piece of news or important members’ information from the association.
  • Be inspired by stories: Read exciting travel reportage and articles that arouse curiosity and a passion for railway history and perhaps make you want to join in on a work weekend or excursion.
  • Learn more: Delve into details about both old and modern railways, locomotives and technology.
  • Savour high-quality reading: Each issue is produced with both well-written articles and, in many cases, unique photographs.

With Ångvagnen get more than just a magazine – you get a direct link to the association. Regardless of whether you are a long-standing member or a curious new reader, Ångvagnen is a perfect source for knowledge, inspiration and entertainment. Are you not already a member and receiving the magazine? Become a member today.